




What is Hashish?


Hashish is a cannabinoid, like marijuana. It consists of the THC-rich resinous material of the cannabis plant. The Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan/Afghanistan are the main sources of hashish. The THC content of hashish that reached the United States, where demand is limited, averaged 6 percent in the 1990s.

What does it look like?


Hashish is a reddish-brown to black colored resinous material of the cannabis plant, which is collected, dried, and then compressed into a variety of forms, such as balls, cakes, or cookie-like sheets.

How is it used?


Pieces are then broken off, placed in pipes and smoked.

What are its short-term effects?


Short-term effects of hashish include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety. These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with hashish. A user may also experience dry mouth and throat.

What are its long-term effects?


Hashish smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations.

What is its federal classification?


Schedule I



Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

Click on the link below to download the fact sheet for this drug:


Hashish Fact Sheet (PDF)