

Media Partnership is Effective

The media is an important resource for educating young people and parents about the dangers of drug use. Since 1993, Drug Free Pennsylvania has worked with broadcasters and newspapers across the Commonwealth to send a clear powerful message about the risks associated with substance abuse to

young people and urging parents to become involved. Most efforts are focused on radio, print, and television outlets, but some non-traditional venues are used as well, such as shopping malls, airports, and sports arenas. More than 375,000 spots worth over $16 million have been printed or aired

since the program began.

Campaign Gets Results

  • Teen use of marijuana and ecstasy has decrease significantly from 2001 to 2003. Extensive media coverage of the dangers of drug use has contributed to the decline. (2003 Monitoring the Future Survey)
  • 33% of teens that saw anti-drug advertisements frequently said they were more aware of the risks of using drugs. (Partnership for Drug-Free America 2003 Attitude Tracking Survey)
  • 56% of middle school students said commercials made them more aware of the risks of using drugs. (Drug Free Pennsylvania 2001 Middle School Survey)